News archive

On the outskirts of lagoons – natural reserve in formation, owned by DOPPS – there is a larger fragment of preserved riparian flooded forest of priority habitat type 91E0* consisting of species that produce soft wood, mainly willow, alder and ash (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) , which has been included in appendix of the Habitat Directive 1. More

On Monday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 20th, we received our first visit from the external supervisor of LIFE projects for Slovenia regarding project LIVEDRAVA (LIFE11 NAT/SI/882).



A cycle of lectures entitled» The Meaning of Project LIVEDRAVA (LIFE11 NAT/SI/882) for people and nature« is dedicated to informing the general public about the goals of the project. More

As a part of the project LIVEDRAVA ( LIFFE 11 NAT/SI/882 ) we did a boat trip down Drava river right after the flood (28th November 2012) trying to assess the state of the riverbed and changes that may had occurred as well as their consequences which might affect the execution of actions on river Drava. More

Project Reconstruction of river ecosystem of lowland part of Drava in Slovenia (LIFFE 11 NAT/SI/882) began on 1st September 2012. Since then we have managed to carry out several activities in addition, many activities are in the final stage. More

Design: Polonca Peterca
Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj