
A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans

A.1 Technical blue-prints for restoration works (ecological engineering measures)

Implementation period: September 2012 – May 2014, Implementation: VGB More…

There are several concrete restoration actions planned within the project to improve the ecological functions of the Drava River and the riparian ecosystem at Natura 2000 Drava (SPA and SCI): the restoration of Ormož Basins (C.1-C.3), creation of new artificial breeding island for Common Terns at Lake Ptuj (C.7), restoration of river branches and their re-connection with the riverbed together with the removal of existing embankments to form steep bank slopes (C.9), reducing human disturbance on gravel bars with installation of blockades and excavation of ditches (C.12).
To conduct the measures, several preceding activities are necessary in accordance with official procedures, such as the acquisition of the preliminary conditions from the responsible authorities, preparation of technical blue-prints (construction designs), obtaining the consents from the responsible authorities for the measures planned in the blue-prints as well as the construction permits when necessary. All these activities are part of this action.


A.2 Hydraulic analysis – flood and sediment transport modeling
Implementation period: 2013 – 2016, Implementation: VGB More…

Hydraulic analysis and modeling will be carried out to predict changes in the Drava riverbed under different discharges and their duration. The aim is to find the discharge parameters that start morphological processes in the riverbed, causing natural habitat restoration but are at the same time acceptable for people and would not threaten public safety and infrastructure along the Drava.
The MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 models (DHI) will be used to calculate the hydraulic and sediment transport processes in the Drava riverbed. To prepare the model, geodetic survey of the river bed (batimetry) and the flood plain by laser scanning (LIDAR) will be performed. Sampling of sediment and granulometric analyses will be performed to get the necessary data for accurate sediment transport model.


A.3 Technical blue-prints for the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve visitor facilities
Implementation period: May – December 2013, Implementation: DOPPS More…

Besides the restoration of the natural value for the conservation of targeted Natura 2000 species and of the biodiversity of the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve (actions C.1-4), this action includes the preparation of the technical blue-prints for all the foreseen future visitor facilities of the nature reserve, including the basic facilities under action E.4 and other facilities (like visitor centre, observation tower) which technically and financially exceed the frame of the Life+ projects. The preparation of the blue-prints will be sub-contracted upon the best basic design of the buildings which will be prepared upon DOPPS’ conservation guidelines. The planned visitor facilities include:

  • visitor centre
  • open-air museum
  • observation tower
  • four observation points along the existing trail
  • entrance to the reserve (orinetation and info point, parking)
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    A.4 Detailed grazing plan for Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: October 2013 – January 2014, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    A detailed grazing plan for achieving conservation goals will be prepared using best expert biological and veterinarian knowledge. Foreign experts will be included in plan preparation. Visit of our experts to an area where nature-conservation management is carried out by grazing of Water Buffalos is planned (Neusiedler See, Austria), and of foreign experts to our site before releasing the animals.


    A.5 Management plan for Ormož Basins Nature Reserve

    Implementation period: December 2014 – March 2015, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    A detailed management plan for the area of restored Ormož Basins, which will be declared a state nature reserve under C.5 will be prepared. The document will include all the contents of a protected area management plan, foreseen in the Nature Conservation act, with a special focus on the zoning of the area, detailed description of habitat management with water table regulation, define visit regime, and protocols for monitoring as well as financing of the reserve management and operation.


    A.6 Guidelines for sustainable water management of the Drava for the national Danube River basin management plan
    Implementation period: November 2012 – October 2015, Implementation: VGB More…

    With the principal aim to assure that the future management measures at the Drava meet the Natura 2000 goals, we will prepare a detailed set of guidelines for maintenance works and other water management measures at the Drava project area. The guidelines will consider all the aspects of the river management, with a main focus in assuring public safety against floods and preserving populations of qualifying species and habitat types.
    The guidelines will be incorporated into the national Danube River basin management plan for the period from 2016-21, which will be adopted by the Slovenian Government. This is the first case in Slovenia when a detailed management measures for a selected section of a river with conservation importance will be incorporated into any river basin management plan, the most important legal act providing the basis for the future sustainable management of the Lower Drava River.


    A.7 Geodetic survey and marking out the land (demarcation)
    Implementation period: October and November 2012, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    A geodetic survey and marking out the land will be carried out for the area of Ormož basins where restoration actions will take place (actions C.1-C.4) and which will be declared as Ormož Basins Nature Reserve (C.5).
    The action is preparatory for further concrete actions. The earthworks (C.1-C.3) are not possible without geodetic survey. For the implementation of management actions (C.4) – placing of fences for grazing animals – borders of the area must be marked.


    B. Purchase of land

    B.1 Purchase of flooded forest fragment
    Implementation period: October 2012, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Approx. 6 hectares of lowland flooded forest area of superior nature-conservation value will be purchased. It is a mature softwood forest stand of priority habitat type 91E0* – Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) that is listed at Annex I of Habitats Directive.
    Forest stand will be permanently assigned to nature conservation, permitting the preservation of this old riverine forest fragment with positive influence on:

  • populations of several existing Natura 2000 qualifying breeding bird species will increase, while rare and higly susceptible species, such as White-tailed Eagle and Black Stork will begin breeding in the area of the future nature reserve;

  • a long-term establishment of a vital donor population of O. eremita and C. cinnaberinus.
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    B.2 NPurchase of a single parcel to reach the integrity of the restored area
    Implementation period: October 2012, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    A single parcel with a total surface area of 6,747 m2 will be purchased from its recent owner and permanently assigned to nature conservation, and thus efficient project implementation and future nature reserve management enabled, as follows:

  • grazing action (C.4) will be carried out efficiently
  • the disturbance of the reserve core zone will be prevented;
  • the spreading of the ragweed or other invasive alochtone species will be prevented with active management of the parcel and thus the positive results of this project at the Ormož Basins not hindered.
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    C. Concrete conservation actions

    C.1 Construction of water supply and water regulation system in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: August 2013 – March 2014, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Suitable environment for breeding and migratory waterbirds will be provided at the area of 30 ha through permanent, sufficient and controllable water supply as a prerequisite for creation and management of habitats for particularly targeted species of conservation concern. The most robust, reliable and economically effective water supply system to the restored area of the basins is to take water from the Drava River at the nearest point at Lake Ormož and to lead it to the basins through a ditch.
    The possibility of controlling water levels individually in separate basins and year-round will enable safe and successful breeding of all target species, a situation that is at present not common in many similar habitats. Furthermore, it will be possible to create a wide array of habitats within the water-depth gradient and hence meet the ecological requirements of a number of different species.


    C.2 Restoration of the habitats for waterbirds in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: August 2013 – March 2014, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    The area of Ormož Basins comprises of 2 earth basins 400×100 meters large, and 4 water basins 400×150 m large. As basins are dry at the moment, their bottom will be manipulated to obtain optimal habitats for birds after filling them with water. The bottom surface is gravel covered with more or less (depending on the basin) thick earth layer.
    A mosaic of habitats for birds will be restored under the action and consequently populations of most species that gradually decreased after the abandonment of sugar production will recover to the levels from the pre-2010 period. Several particularly targeted species will substantially increase in numbers (Ferruginous Duck, Common Tern, Little Bittern..) or will colonize the site as new breeding species (Little Egret, Little Tern and Whiskered Tern).


    C.3 Habitat management in the softwood forest stands in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: 2013 – 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    This action is aimed at restoring riverine forest habitats, i.e. riverine forest stands and forest ponds or oxbow. The action is to be conducted as habitat improvement and enhancement of population growth of endangered beetle species, i.e. saproxylic beetle fauna with Cucujus cinnaberinus as target species, and water beetle fauna with Graphoderus bilineatus as target species.
    The results of the restoration experiment will serve to prepare guidelines for management of Natura 2000 sites for Cucujus cinnaberinus and Graphoderus bilineatus as qualifying species in order to provide a net of suitable habitat patches in Natura 2000 sites. The final result will be improved riverine forest stand with an increased amount of dead wood and restored oxbow within the future Ormož Basins nature reserve.


    C.4 Establishment of a grazing system for long-term and sustainable wetland management in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: March – May 2014, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    A year-round grazing system will be established in the restored habitats of Ormož Basins. A total of 33,1 hectares of restored habitats will require grazing management. Grazing will be of low intensity which is acceptable from the conservation point of view. Nominal grazing density will be 0,5-0,7 HBC/ha (HBC = “head of big cattle” meaning 500 kg of live weight). To avoid nests trampling and disturbance of breeding birds, a system of fences will be implemented to create 4 permanent separated grazing units with a total surface of 16,3 ha. Temporary grazing units will be pathways, scarps (1,5 ha) and areas of basins 5 and 6 as well as the “saturation basin” (6,4 ha, 6 ha and 2,9 ha, respectively).
    After thorough consultations with experts from abroad and consideration of the conditions at site, Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) was selected as the most appropriate animal. There are several locations in the EU where it is possible to buy Water Buffalos for habitat management, while the closest one to our project area is Neusiedler See National Park in Austria. Water Buffalos can graze in water, feed on vegetation that other grazing animals are unable of grazing on (like Carex spp. and Juncus spp.), are very resistant to harsh weather conditions and, in principle, they can graze all year round (including the winter time). If the contact with human is preserved, they retain a peaceful character. A herd of 5 Water Buffalos – 4 cows and 1 bull – will be put to the area.
    Although the management of Ormož Basins Nature Reserve is foreseen mainly with grazing, tractor with some necessary attachments (trailer, loading forks, logging winch with steel wire rope, snow plough) is also of crucial importance for the successful implementation of some of the concrete conservation actions of this project as well as for the after-LIFE management of the restored project areas.
    With the establishment of grazing system we will preserve breeding duck populations of the area in the long term and we will improve foraging habitats for migrating shorebirds.


    C.5 Declaration of Ormož Basins Nature Reserve and Nature park at the Drava River between Ormož and Središče ob Dravi 

    Implementation period: September 2012 – June 2015, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    The restored area of Ormož Basins will be proclaimed a state nature reserve following national legislation (Nature Conservation Act). The size of the nature reserve will be approx. 61 hectares.
    The wider area of Drava River with its surrounding floodplain forest between Ormož and Središče ob Dravi will be proclaimed as a nature park by both municipalities: Ormož and Središče ob Dravi. Size of the proclaimed area will be approx. 10.9 square km.


    C.6 Removal of illegally built fishing and hunting platforms at Lake Ormož
    Implementation period: October 2012 – October 2015, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    There are six larger platforms in the Croatian part of Lake Ormož which are illegally erected hunting stands. The platforms were most likely erected by local hunters that are using those platforms for hunting waterfowl. Common Terns breed on the platforms due to the lack of the natural nesting sites, but the platforms present ecological traps for them. This negatively influences the population dynamics of the species at SPA Drava in Slovenia. With the help of the Croatian sub-contractor (most probably a conservation NGO selected upon the references) we will achieve that these platforms will be removed during the project through official legal procedures, beginning at the inspectorate in Croatia. Moreover, educational activities will take place in order to inform the interested public in Croatia about the action and to explain its significance. The campaign for the removal of the illegally installed platforms in the Croatian part of the lake will be supported by the production of printed informational and educational materials: 2,000 posters and 2,500 leaflets which will be produced by the end of April 2013 and distributed among Croatian local fishermen, hunters and other local public. The Public Institution for the protection of natural values in Varaždin County, the Directorate for Inspection of Nature Protection and the competent Hunting Inspection will have to collaborate with the sub-contractor due to their legal responsibilities.


    C.7 Conservation management of the breeding islands at Lake Ptuj 

    Implementation period: October 2012 – March 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Conservation management of the existing two breeding islands (Small & Large island) for Black-headed Gulls and of the New breeding island for Common Terns will be carried out.
    Small and Large island will be mown by hand brushcutters (motor scythes), while the existing wood vegetation (willows) will be cut with chain saws. New island will be mown for the first time in September 2014. It will be created in 2013 out of mud that will need one year to become solid. We expect it to become overgrown during the first year. After this first mowing, the gravel layer will be spread over it. In the next years, the island will be thoroughly checked twice a year and any vegetation will be manually removed or mown by hand brushcutters. Timing of this management action will coincide with management of the Small and Large islands– in March and October each year.
    Result of the action will be a preserved population of 400 pairs of the Black-headed Gull at SPA Drava and in Slovenia that would otherwise decrease to a maximum of 50 pairs. As a result, we also expect that Black-headed Gulls will not expand to the New island created in action C.7 and this is an important precondition to be met for the expected results of C.7 action.


    C.8 Restoration of the river branches
    Implementation period: August – October in year 2014, 2015 and 2016 Implementation: VGP DRAVA More…

    Three river branches (side arms) of the Drava will be opened and restored. They will be opened at one side to enable inflow of fresh river water, but will be at the same time constructed in a way to function as parallel side arms during the large discharges. All openings will be oriented downstream. Selected branches were naturally connected to river less than 30 years ago but became overgrown or their mouth was filled up with deposits. Besides, removal of an old and unfunctional lateral embankment consolidation in the length of 150 meters will be carried out to enable natural morphological processes on the river bank and in the riparian forest behind. Old data (ortho-photos) from the period when the branches were still alive will be considered when determining the dimensions of the openings. All the excavated gravel will be returned to the riverbed.


    C.9 Preparation of the river banks for breeding of the Kingfisher and Sand Martin
    Implementation period: April 2015 – April 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    At three selected localities with river banks, which are high enough and suitably steep, the breeding sites for Sand Martin and Kingfisher will be created by removal of vegetation and formation of bare, vertical sandy surfaces at appropriate height directly above the water. The estimated length of river banks suitable for Sand Martin and Kingfisher at three different localities will be approx. 300, 200 and 150 m, respectively.
    Due to difficult access to the selected locations (access without creating large building sites with significant impact on the surrounding habitats is generally possible only by boat), all the necessary work will be done manually, without using mechanization. After construction, all breeding sites will be maintained on yearly basis if necessary, so that optimal breeding conditions will be provided continuously during the subsequent breeding seasons.
    Establishment of at least one Sand Martin colony with 50-200 breeding pairs is expected within the three year period following the construction of the breeding sites. At least one pair of Kingfisher is expected to breed at each of the localities (3 new breeding pairs in total). For both species regular occupancy of the sites is anticipated in the long-term.


    C.10 Management of gravel bars for the breeding of the Little Ringed Plover 

    Implementation period: phase 1 till October 2014, phase 2 till October 2016, Implementation: VGP DRAVA More…

    At five selected gravel bars that are fairly large (size between 0.79 and 2.67 ha, mean 1.59 ha) and high enough (≥ 1.5 m above the average water level) woody vegetation encroaching the areas of bare shingle will be removed manually. At present more than 50% of their total surface area is covered by this type of vegetation, composed mainly of willows approx. 1.5 to 5 m high. Total surface area of gravel bars included under this action is 7 ha. Selected gravel bars are situated along Maribor-Ptuj (3 localities) and Markovci-Zavrč (2 localities) river sections. Works at all 5 localities will be carried out twice.
    Based on the results of the first census conducted in 2006, breeding of at least additional 8-10 pairs of Little Ringed Plover is expected after the adoption of proper management of the selected gravel bars, corresponding to a population increase of 30-40% compared to the current numbers. Given that optimal breeding conditions will be provided in the long-term, breeding in such numbers is expected to occur annually, even in years of less favorable water regime.


    C.11 Reduction of human disturbance and destruction of bird breeding habitat at gravel bars
    Implementation period: March – April 2014, March – April 2015, Implementation: VGB More…

    At selected localities, the access to gravel bars will be prevented / reduced through: (1) installation of blockades, i.e. gates, heavy barriers etc. or excavation of ditches on roads and tracks leading towards them and (2) setting up of notice boards explaining the purpose of the measure undertaken. The first step is intended to completely prevent access of motor vehicles (cars, motocross motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, tractors etc.), while the second will give the reasons why this is necessary and at the same time discourage people from walking on gravel bars during the breeding season of gravel bar-specialized birds.
    By this action alone, breeding of at least additional 5-8 pairs of Little Ringed Plover and 4-6 pairs of Common Sandpiper can be expected, corresponding to a population increase of 25% and 15% compared to the current numbers, respectively.


    D. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

    D.1 Evaluation of the habitat and species monitoring results
    Implementation period: April – June 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Mankind has several benefits from sources and processes in natural ecosystems. The benefits are ecosystem services or functions. The specific ecosystem functions that are apparently beneficial to humans are called ecosystem services. But at the same time we cannot exclude any ecosystem functions from this category. Ecosystem services provide life support services for both humans and other species. Recognition and standardization of most important ecosystem services was done by the United Nations study carried out by more than 1,300 researchers from all around the World. Four general ecosystem services were recognised – supply, regulation, support and culture. The term ecosystem is used to denote the biological community together with the abiotic environment in which it is set.
    Under this action, a cumulative effect of all project activities on all four ecosystem services will be assessed. In fact all ecosystem services are conditioned by biodiversity and interspecific relationships. Larger the biodiversity and the quantity of interspecific interactions, better the ecosystem stability and its services. Therefore, results of all monitoring actions (D.2-D.5) over the project lifetime will be integrated to get a general ecosystem overview.
    We expect that the ecosystem functions/services will be improved by the implementation of this project and that biodiversity and quantity of interactions will increase in ecosystems under restoration.


    D.2 Impact of project actions on bird species
    Implementation period: from September 2012 onwards, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Specific indicators to measure the impact of project actions on bird species are:


  • numbers of all waterbirds at specific actions sites (Ormož Basins Nature Reserve, Lake Ormož and Lake Ptuj).
  • breeding numbers of Common Tern and Black-headed Gull.
  • breeding numbers of Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher and Sand Martin and their exact locations.
  • breeding numbers of all qualifying species for SPA Drava at planned Ormož Basins Nature Reserve not included under points 1 and 2.
  • survival of Little Ringed Plover broods and chicks.
  • physiognomic characteristics of vegetation over the entire area of Ormož Basins Nature Reserve.

    Numbers, distributions and general habitat use of breeding and non-breeding populations of project’s targeted bird species in the Lower Drava River project area will be well known at any time of year and stored in a database. The main human-induced threats will be identified and their importance for bird populations at most important localities understood. Precise numbers of Common Tern breeding pairs will be known as well as other parameters necessary for management of breeding islets. All existing river banks and gravel bars will be surveyed annually and their importance for breeding riverbed birds understood, as well as survival of Little Ringed Plover broods and chicks at those sites with regard to human disturbance. Habitat changes during and after the restoration of Ormož Basins Nature Reserve will be quantified and their effect on birds will be evaluated.


    D.3 Impact of project actions on beetle species 

    Implementation period: September 2012 till the end of 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    As one of the key groups of species for setting conservation priorities in Europe, the beetles appeared to be very important. Within this project we selected three species, one aquatic (Graphoderus bilineatus) and two saproxylic (Osmoderma eremita, Cucujus cinnaberinus). They are the most relevant for conservation of target riverside habitats. Due to currently poor knowledge on selected species in Slovenia and Europe, we plan to sub-contract a qualified team of researchers to conduct research which is needed for further conservation actions.
    Considering beetles the expected results of action D.3 will be:

  • Identification of habitat zones for selected species important for conservation (supplementation of Natura 2000 network)
  • Development of the methodological protocol for distribution and abundance assessment of poorly known species, which is important for Natura 2000 supplementation in Slovenia
  • Identification of habitat features (abiotic and biotic) and their limit values to determine habitat suitability (optimality) for the selected species
  • Identification of major threats to targeted species according to human impact assessment
  • Evaluation of habitat restoration program
  • Preparation of guidelines for habitat restoration in targeted beetle species
  • Preparation of guidelines for habitat management of selected species
  • Provision of background data important for actions B.1, C.3 and C.9.
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    D.4 Impact of project actions on fish species
    Implementation period: 2013, 2014 and 2016, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Besides species covered in actions D.2 & D.3, the impact of restoration activities will be assessed (by a team of qualified researchers sub-contracted by DOPPS) on the fish species that are all listed in Annex II of Habitats Directive: Umbra krameri, Aspius aspius, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Cobitis taenia.
    For fish species, results will be local densities of particular species in number of individuals/m2 of the river habitat. For Asp, we expect that after the restoration it will be more abundant – more individuals will be caught due to higher juvenile survival. We expect that Umbra krameri, Cobitis taenia and Rhodeus sericeus amarus will populate the restored branches and that in three years after the restoration their local densities will increase.


    D.5  Study of the socio-economic impact of the project actions 

    Implementation period: October 2012 – May 2013, December 2016 – June 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    The action will be carried out as an analyses of socio-economic indicators at the project beginning and end. The progress and final reports will be produced by the sub-contrator at the end of both stages. From the content point of view, it is expected that project activities will result in the creation of new jobs as well as an improvement of conditions for increasing the potential for sustainable development in tourism (ecotourism) in the region. This will develop additional tourist products and events, and new infrastructure for visitors.


    E. Public awareness and dissemination of results

    E.1 Notice boards in the project area 

    Implementation period: September 2012 – June 2013, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Notice boards will be prepared and erected at a minimum of 6 sites within the project area and thus:

  • the basic information about the project, its goals and contents will be provided to the local people and visitors throughout the project implementation,
  • the knowledge about the conservation problems and objectives at the Drava will be increased among the general public,
  • EC financial support will be promoted.
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    E.2  Website of the project
    Implementation period: September 2012 till the end of 2012, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    The project web site will be prepared and published by the end of first three months of the project implementation with the main information about the project and its contents. It will be regularly updated with new project findings, results and documents. On-line streaming of the breeding Common Tern colonies will be periodically published at the web site after the implementation of the actions C.2 and C.7. Before the end of the project, the web site will be finished with adding all the relevant documents, publications and reports, useful for further use of the target audiences and general public.


    E.3  Layman’s report

    Implementation period: July – August 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Layman’s report will be prepared between July-August 2017, printed in the circulation of 1,000 copies and available on the project web site, aiming to present the results of the project to the public. To focus national and international target groups, it will be prepared as bilingual publication in Slovene and English. Printed version will be mainly used for presentation to the professionals, authorities, stake-holders (including hunters and fishermen) and other interested or directly involved target audiences while for general public and other target groups, the web site availability of Layman’s report is crucial.


    E.4 Setting-up the basic visitor facilities in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve
    Implementation period: September – October 2012 (temporary office), August 2013 – March 2014 (rest of infrastracture), Implementation: DOPPS More…

    The basic visitor facilities will be set-up in the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve in order to support the long-term conservation project goals and contribute toward improvement of the knowledge about project issues and conservation of the Drava as well as the conservation awareness and the positive relatedness towards nature which can be developed upon the people’s direct contact with nature and additionally:

  • the basic information to the visitors throughout the project implementation period will be provided with the establishment of the temporary project office at the site and setting-up of the interpretation/ education boards, panels and models,

  • the office will be available for the on-site project staff, oriented towards energy efficiency and CO2 foot-prints reduction (a model of the future visitor centre),
  • the visitors will be educated on the ways of helping the wildlife at their homes,
  • the area adjacent to the visitor office will be safe (fencing of the potentially dangerous existing infrastructure),
  • the observation of the wildlife, particularly birds, will be enabled from four (4) observation plateaus/points along the existing education and service trail with an average surface of 40 m2, fenced by screening walls with incorporated lines for the observation of wildlife in the basins without disturbing them,

  • parking, orientation & information will be available to the visitors at the entrance to the reserve.
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    E.5 Setting-up the basic visitor facilities at Lake Ptuj
    Implementation period: May 2013 – September 2014, Implementation: Municipality of Ptuj More…

    The action consists of the following activities:

  • the preparation and placing of the interpretation / education boards, focusing on the presentation of species and habitats targeted by the project at four accessible locations along the lake banks, where fauna and flora of the Drava River can be observed and interpreted

  • the construction of the observation tower at the right lake bank, which will enable excellent observation of birds at the lake, particularly of the breeding colonies of Common Terns at the New breeding island (action C.7) and have an easy access from Ptuj and surrounding villages (walking, cycling).


    The newly established interpretation infrastructure will be promoted by the municipal tourism authorities as a part of the tourism offer with high educational and awareness value.


    E.6 Production and distribution of a documentary film
    Implementation period: June 2015 – 2017, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    One of the most efficient ways of presenting a specific natural area such as the Drava River and the natural processes, values and threats is by using various forms of audiovisual products. One of our project targets is to produce a documentary film, a form specific by its straightforwardness, integrity and comprehension. Result of the action will be:

  • Documentary film about the Drava (a least 10 minutes long) and at least two videoclips with average duration of 3 minutes
  • Film will be presented on national TV with at least three repetitions (about 100,000 people reach) and at least 2 local televisions (about 20,000 people reach)
  • Additional ways of distribution will be developed to increase the reach for at least 30,000 people more
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    E.7 Production and distribution of project publications
    Implementation period: February 2013 – March 2015, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Two publications are foreseen in the project to cover the main themes and communication target groups, as follows:

  • Project presentation brochure will be used to present the project goals and actions, the project area, targeted species and habitats and other relevant project details to the local public at the early stages of its implementation. It will point out the main sources and points of communication which will be established during the project and where the interested public can get further information (project web-site, offices, events, publications, sites etc.). 
    Circulation: 60,000 copies

  • The guidebook to the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve will present the newly established nature reserve, its most important habitats, species, established conservation management (water regime, grazing), history of the site, visitor facilities and the information for the orientation and as such can serve to the visitors for self-guided tours and as a source of further information after or before the visit to the site. It will be an attractive pocket-sized brochure, also advising the visitor on the appropriate behavior and ways of observation of the nature. 
    Circulation: 10,000 copies of the Slovene edition, 2,500 copies of English and German edition, in total 15,000 copies

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    E.8 Project educational program
    Implementation period: June – July 2013, February 2015, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Three types of activities targeted at different groups and profiles will be carried out to achieve better knowledge about Natura 2000 area Drava (SPA and SCI) and better possibility for further spreading of this knowledge.

  • Two biological youth research camps will be organised. They will take place at Natura 2000 area Drava. At, each camp, young ornithologists between the age of 12 and 20 will work in approx. 5 groups led by mentors. Approx. 20 young researchers will attend each camp. Camps will last for a minimum of 5 days and will conclude with a public presentation of results. Education of young researchers with research methodology, data gathering and processing as well as result presentation are the main goals of the camps.


  • For pupils of the primary and secondary schools at Podravje region 25 field excursions will be organised and led by the project staff. Each excursion will be attended by approximately 30 pupils and all will be led to locations within SPA Drava.


  • For pupils of the primary and secondary schools at Podravje region 25 lectures will be prepared and carried out by the staff of beneficiary of the action. Lectures will be carried out at schools.

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    E.9 Public presentations and excursions
    Implementation period: November 2012 – June 2016, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    Twenty public presentations and ten public excursions will be carried out. Public presentations will be carried out by the presenter (DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia staff) using Powerpoint presentations. For this purpose two presentations will be prepared. The first one will contain detailed information about the actions, reasons for them and expected results of LIFE project, whereas the second one will focus on the achieved results of the project. In both presentations extensive information on biodiversity and important fauna, flora and habitat types on SPA and SCI Drava will be given.
    Public excursions will be led by DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia staff to those parts of project area where actions will be carried out. Locations of three excursions will be: Lake Ptuj, Lake Ormož and restored area of the future Ormož Basins Nature Reserve.


    F. Overall project operation and monitoring of the project progress

    F.1 Project management
- project reports
    Implementation period: – 31.5.2013, – 31.05.2014, – 31.5.2015, – 30.11.2016, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    In the course of the project, the established system of planning, communicating, supervising and reporting the activities will be used, developed at DOPPS within previous projects, which will enable us to manage and control the project and ensure successful implementation of the foreseen activities. The project will be carried out by the project team.
    During the project period, four reports will be prepared and delivered to the Commission and monitoring team, as follows:

  • Inception Report delivered within 9 months from the project start (31/05/2013);
  • Mid-term Report by 31/05/2014;
  • Progress Report by 31/05/2015;
  • Progress Report by 30/11/2016;
  • Final Report will be completed within the period of 3 months after the project end
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    F.2 Networking with other projects

    Implementation period: entire duration of the project, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    At least seven river restoration projects have been implemented in the Drava River Basin so far, aimed at restoration of the river dynamics by widening the river bed and reconnecting the former sidearm systems.
    Within this project, we will be networking with the on-going LIFE projects beneficiaries and partners in Slovenia and Austria. Our planned activities include exchange of experience and cooperation to find more efficient and better solutions to the similar problems we are facing at the Drava.
    In general, the exchange of the experience will be carried out using modern communication tools, mainly internet, thus also helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the project. To facilitate the communication and to experience the results of other projects, we also plan up to 8 short excursions of the project staff to the project areas of selected projects.
    At the same time we are open for networking with new or at this stage unknown projects with similar contents.


    F.3 Audit
    Implementation period: entire duration of the project, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    An independent auditor will be nominated by the coordinating beneficiary and will verify the financial statements before they are provided to the Commission in the final project report. The audit will verify the respect of national legislation and accounting rules and also certify that all costs incurred respect the LIFE+ Common Provisions.


    F.4 After-LIFE Conservation Plan
    Implementation period: from 2017 onward, Implementation: DOPPS More…

    After-LIFE Conservation Plan will be produced and annexed to the final report, stating the future conservation measures and tools necessary to assure the achieved project goals are sustained in a long term, particularly the favorable conservation status of the protected species.


    Design: Polonca Peterca
    Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj