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Visit of project supervisor

On Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of February 2014 a visit from our project supervisor, prof. dr. Mitja Kaligarič, who performs supervisory function for the European Commission under aegis of Astrale organization took place. On Thursday we have reported in detail on our work and project achievements in the last year or since last supervisory visit, which took place on 17th and 18th February 2013. Reporting was done on the premises of DOPPS, Tržaška cesta 2, Ljubljana and represetitives of project partners and co-financer VGB – mag. Smiljan Juvan and Alenka Kovačič, VGP Drava – Agata Suhadolnik and MKO – Julijana Lebez Lozej also attended. Substantive report was followed by administrative and financial verification. The next day, on Friday, supervisor examined project sites and performances on the field. We focused on Ormož Basins, because untill now, most of our field work was done on that site.

Behing us is tough project year, especialy in terms of project management and actions of obtaining all needed approvals and permits. Nonetheless we managed to acchieve all the objectives and we estimate, that our project work is going well which also showed at project supervision.

Visit of lake Ptuj.Photo: Tilen Basle
Discussion at lake Ormož.Photo: Tilen Basle

At a site of ecological experiment at Ormož Basins.Photo: Tilen Basle


Design: Polonca Peterca
Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj