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Opening ceremony of new observation tower at Ptuj Lake

On 14. of Octobre 2016 an opening ceremony of new ornitological observation tower was held at Ptuj Lake and it was organized together with Manucipality Ptuj. A keynote speakers at an event were Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ms. Irena Majcen, Mayor of Manucipality Ptuj, Mr. Miran Senčar, president of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, Mr. Rudolf Tekavčič and project LIVEDRAVA coordinator and CEO of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, Mr. Damijan Denac. Event was organized as a part of a project LIVEDRAVA, Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia (LIFE11 NAT/SI/882).


DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia and Manucipality Ptuj both agree, that new infrastracture is important contribution to local turist offer and has a big education potential.

Design: Polonca Peterca
Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj