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On 14. of Octobre 2016 an opening ceremony of new ornitological observation tower was held at Ptuj Lake and it was organized together with Manucipality Ptuj. A keynote speakers at an event were Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ms. Irena Majcen, Mayor of Manucipality Ptuj, Mr. Miran Senčar, president of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, Mr. Rudolf Tekavčič and project LIVEDRAVA coordinator and CEO of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, Mr. Damijan Denac. Event was organized as a part of a project LIVEDRAVA, Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia (LIFE11 NAT/SI/882). More

Design: Polonca Peterca
Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj