News archive

Interesting bird sightings from our regular water birds monitoring on the Drava river – 3th decade:


On Wednesday, 22th of January we presented the area of project actions of LIVEDRAVA to colleagues from WWF Austria. Visitors were Arno Mohl and Tanja Nikowicz, who both have a lot of experiance with lowland riparian ecosystems. More


Interesting bird sightings from our regular water birds monitoring on the Drava river – 2nd decade:


On Monday, 13th of January we assumed a tractor with attachments we bought as a part of project LIVEDRAVA: Riparian ecosystem restoration of the lower Drava River in Slovenia (LIFE11 NAT/SI/882). It is a smaller tractor of a type New Holland TD4040F. Of attachments we bought a skidding winch, a single-axle trailer and a hydraulic forks with container. More


On Saturday, 11th and Sunday 12th of January 2014 we carried out the first aerial photo recording of Ormož Basins Nature Reserve in formation. Recording was part of action E.6 – Production and distribution of a documentary film. More


Design: Polonca Peterca
Developer: Uroš Orešič in Gregor Sušanj